Set Free 24-7
Sharing inspiring stories of adversity and the journey to freedom! My name is Robert and for years, I struggled with addictions from crack to methamphetamine and everything in between. In 2010, I was finally arrested and after piling up 53 B/C level felonies, I was sentenced to 3-10 years in prison in Nevada. And then God changed everything. But my story is just one of many and I am on a mission to share real stories from real people who have made it through some tough times and give others going through it the beautiful gift of HOPE! Get inspired and encouraged as we celebrate some highs, cry through some lows, and learn to live one day at a time. I’m not pushy or preachy, I’m just glad you are here!
Monday Nov 20, 2023
Monday Nov 20, 2023
Have you ever wondered what happens when 'Shark Tank' meets the Bible? Join me on this adventure I call 'Faith's Wild Ride: From Parables to Promises' as we dive into the scriptures with a journey through Matthew, Acts, Psalms, and Numbers. It's not just about reading the scriptures, it's answering life's biggest questions.
Plus, we share our personal experiences, reflect on disappointments, celebrate overcoming struggles, and remember our beloved senior foster dog, Nutmeg. Brace yourselves for some epic discussions about the Parable of the Talents, David's emotional cries, and how the Bible resonates in our daily life. Don't forget to subscribe and join us on this Journey Through The Message!
00:05 Introduction and Overview of the Journey
00:20 Exploring Parables and Promises: From Matthew to Acts
00:47 Diving into the Emotions of David in Psalm
01:02 The Israelites' Challenges in Numbers
01:42 Personal Reflections and Life Recovery Workbook Discussion
03:49 Remembering Nutmeg: A Tribute to a Beloved Pet
07:30 Prayer and Reflection
09:53 Exploring the Parable of the Talents in Matthew
19:06 Unpacking the Message of Romans 8
26:01 A Journey Back in Time: Reading Psalm 60
27:13 The Gift of Succoth Valley and the Call to Battle
28:00 Reflections on Israel's Promises and Challenges
28:38 David's Boldness and Faith in Prayer
29:40 The Power of Knowing You're God's Favorite
31:27 The Midianite War: A Historical Account
32:16 The Aftermath of War and the Spoils of Victory
38:58 The Struggles of Understanding War and Its Consequences
41:57 The Tribes East of the Jordan and Their Request
47:17 The Promise of God and the Importance of Keeping One's Word
48:52 The Rebuilding of Cities and the Legacy of the Tribes
50:38 Final Thoughts and Encouragement
Matthew 25 verses 14-30 (Parable of the Talents)
If you got an unexpected talent (or resource) tomorrow, what would you do with it?
Ever played it safe and later wished you’d taken a risk? How does that relate to this parable?
Acts 8 verses18-39 (Simon and the Ethiopian)
Have you ever been surprised by where or how you found a deep truth, kind of like the Ethiopian did?
What's the craziest thing you’d do for a power you really wanted? Does Simon’s story make you think twice?
Psalm 60
Ever felt like everything's going wrong, like David in Psalm 60? How'd you cope?
If you could write a letter to God after a really bad day, what would you say?
Numbers 31-32
If you were on a journey and had to make a huge, life-changing decision, what would you base it on?
Numbers 31-32 talk about keeping promises. What's a promise you’ve made that was really hard to keep?
Want a copy of the Message Version Bible for yourself? Pick one up here and follow along!
Saturday Nov 18, 2023
Saturday Nov 18, 2023
Are you ready for some sanity in your life?
Welcome to Step 2 in the Life Recovery Workbook, the second step in a 12-step faith-based recovery program. In this video, I provide a deep dive into this step, which involves acknowledging a higher power and believing it can restore us to sanity in our struggles against addiction.
I am reading stories from the Life Recovery Workbook and reflecting on faith-inspired examples from the Bible. After the scripture reading, I encourage listeners to self-reflect by posing a series of thought-provoking questions and walk with them to contemplate their addictions and work through the recovery process.
Step 2 is Coming to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. The questions from this step are below for you to copy, paste, and work through on your own.
Need help working through some questions or steps? Reach out to me privately or drop a message in the comments. I respond to ALL messages.
Persistent Seeking: Job 14:1-6
How has life seemed unfair to me in the areas of family? Trauma/abuse? Addiction?
What are my objections to trusting God fully with my addiction and my life?
What emotions and questions do I need to be honest with God about?
Am I willing to work through the pain and unfairness in my life in order to find God and be freed from addiction?
What holds me back?
Grandiose Thinking: Daniel 4:19-33
When in my addiction, in what ways did I display the belief that I was only accountable to myself?
How have I tried to have power over the events, outcomes, and people in my life?
In what ways did I show that I forgot that God is ultimately in control?
How have I avoided acceptance of God’s power over my life?
Internal Bondage: Mark 5:1-13
What self-destructive behaviors have I inflicted on myself due to addiction? List and describe them.
How has my addiction kept me from living my own life while finding myself more comfortable in ‘caves’ of isolation, anger, rage, or silent judgment?
Have I begun to drop my insanity of living alone and being trapped in addiction?
Am I ready to have Jesus visit me in my ‘caves’ and cleanse me? If so, write out a prayer to him here.
Healing Faith: Luke 8:43-48
How have I tried to control my problems in my own power? What were the results?
Is there any other way that I would like to try to control and manage it?
Am I ready to do my part, as this woman courageously did, by reaching out for recovery in faith that Jesus’ power will be there?
Write out a statement of readiness to God.
Restoration: Luke 15:11-24
How have my compulsions and addictions led me to compromise my values, convictions, and principles?
How have my compulsions and addictions dehumanized me and brought me to shame?
In light of how my addictions and dependencies have degraded me, am I now open to a deeper level of believing that the power and forgiveness of God will restore me to sanity?
Coming to believe: Romans 1:18-20
How have my experiences shown me that my way of living is not a satisfying or productive way to live?
How have I seen God’s power at work in other people’s lives?
What are the signs that I am on the path and in the process of being restored to sanity?
Hope in Faith: Hebrews 11:1-10
Am I becoming able to believe that God can help me to live sanely? How?
Can I now believe that as I reach out for God’s strength and surrender to him, God’s nature is to be present and ready to help and support sane choices? Why or why not?
Want a Life Recovery Workbook for yourself? Pick one up here:
Prefer a video version of this episode? Check it out on YouTube!
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Monday Oct 30, 2023
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Explore Step 1 in recovery in this inspiring YouTube video. Join Robert as he shares his personal journey of triumph over addiction. Drawing inspiration from the Life Recovery Workbook, this narrative delves deep into recognizing powerlessness over addiction, nurturing humility, and forging a profound spiritual connection.
In this engaging video, Robert offers insightful analysis of key biblical passages and demonstrates their practical application in the context of addiction recovery. He goes further by presenting a series of thought-provoking self-reflection questions, expertly designed to guide you on your own path to recovery.
Don't miss this empowering video that combines personal experience, spiritual wisdom, and practical guidance to help you or someone you know break free from the shackles of addiction. Join us on this transformative journey towards a brighter, healthier future.
No-Win Situations Genesis 16:1-15
1. What feelings do I experience as I acknowledge people in my life who have power (such as supervisors, spouse, religious leaders, and sponsors)?
2. What do I try to escape from? What do I feel trapped by?
3. How do I escape my feelings, such as anger, boredom, fatigue, or loneliness?
4. When things do not go my way, or when I am in a no-win situation, what is my reaction (with relationships, work, promotions, kids who question or rebel, traffic, drivers in front of me, people talking on cell phones in public places, financial difficulties, people who hurt or disappoint me, or God, who seems to be silent)?
5. If I could, how would I change my response?
Dangerous Self-Deception Judges 16:1-31
1. What is the longest time I have been able to stop addictive behaviors or using addictive substances?
2. What are some of the reasons I use for starting my behaviors or substance abuse again?
3. What are the things I think I can control? How do I lie to myself, and about what?
4. What is so scary about telling the truth?
5. As I explore powerlessness, what blind spots have I discovered?
6. What are the results of pride in my life?
A Humble Beginning 2 Kings 5:1-15
1. What is the difference between humiliation and humility in my life?
2. How do I regard myself as being a little more important than other people?
3. What makes me think I am in control of anything?
4. How do I try to influence or control God or his representatives?
5. When have I placed expectations on other people or God?
6. When have my attitudes shown that I believe I know better than God?
7. Why is it difficult for me to follow another’s instructions?
Hope Amidst Suffering Job 6:2-13
1. What kind of people do I hang around with and trust—people who criticize, or people who encourage truth?
2. What emotions can I identify when I am at the bottom?
3. What have I done in the past to deal with pain or sadness?
Like Little Children Mark 10:13-16
1. What happened in the past that still provokes fear in me today?
2. When do I feel the most cared for?
3. What do I see in my life that reveals God’s care for me?
A Time to Choose Acts 9:1-9
1. When I continue to pursue my own agenda without asking God for direction, what happens in my life?
2. Are there areas of my life in which God may have to use extreme measures before I will listen for direction? Which areas?
3. What will it take for me to listen to God?
The Paradox of Powerlessness 2 Corinthians 4:7-10
1. These are examples of when I have demonstrated acceptance of my own powerlessness and God’s powerfulness:
2. How do I respond to trouble?
3. How do I respond to being perplexed?
4. What do I do when it seems that God or someone else has abandoned me?
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Monday Oct 23, 2023
Journey Through The Message 62 | No Condemnation, Pure Liberation
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Welcome back to Set Free 24-7! I'm Robert, and I'm thrilled you're joining us for another captivating episode entitled 'No Condemnation, Pure Liberation.' Now, if that title doesn't shout 'freedom,' I don't know what does!
In today's episode, we'll dive into the beautiful words of Romans 8:1-17. Get ready to shed the chains of guilt and step into a new life filled with the Spirit's empowerment.
We'll also unravel the parable of the ten virgins from Matthew 25:1-13. Are your lamps filled with oil? We're talking readiness and anticipation here, folks!
Switching gears, we'll explore Psalm 59. David pours out his soul here, showing us how to seek divine protection when surrounded by danger.
Last but not least, we're venturing into the often-overlooked book of Numbers, specifically chapters 28-30. Expect the unexpected as we dissect rituals, vows, and how they relate to our modern spiritual lives. So buckle up as we get ready to go on this Journey Through The Message!
Matthew 25:1-13
1. What do you think the oil in the parable represents in your own life?
2. How are you preparing for moments that require spiritual readiness?
Romans 8:1-17
1. What does living "according to the Spirit" mean to you?
2. How do you reconcile the idea of 'no condemnation' with personal responsibility?
Psalm 59
1. In what situations do you find yourself crying out to God for help?
2. How do you handle feelings of injustice or being wronged?
Numbers 28-30
1. How do you feel about the importance of rituals and offerings in your spiritual life?
2. What commitments have you made that you find challenging to keep?
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Journey Through The Message 61 | The Battle Within Ourselves
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Welcome back to Set Free 24-7! I'm Robert, and I'm happy you're here to join us on today's episode, 'The Battle Within Ourselves.' Boy, do we have a feast of insights and revelations on the menu today!
In Matthew 24:36-51, we're diving into the realm of the unpredictable, pondering Jesus' message about His return. It's the kind of mystery that keeps you at the edge of your seat!
From there, we'll grapple with Paul's internal moral battle in Romans 7:13-25. Ever felt like you're your own worst enemy? Paul gets it, and he's got some wisdom to share.
Switching gears, we'll tune into Psalm 58, a stirring call for divine justice. What does righteousness look like in a world that often feels unfair? We're about to find out!
Lastly, we're hopping into the time machine to visit Numbers 26-27. From censuses to successions, these chapters offer us lessons on legacy and the importance of preparation for the next generation. So, grab your spiritual armor and let's delve into these scriptures together. Trust me, by the end of this episode, you'll feel more equipped to tackle 'The Battle Within Ourselves' and find the peace that sets us free!
**Matthew 24:36-51:** 1. "How can we stay spiritually 'awake' and ready for unexpected events in life?" 2. "What's one thing you can do today to prepare for the future, spiritually speaking?"
**Romans 7:13-25:** 1. "Can you think of a time when you felt torn between doing what's right and giving in to temptation? How did you handle it?" 2. "What's one way you can seek help when facing internal struggles?"
**Psalm 58:** 1. "What's your personal idea of justice, and how does it align with the message in Psalm 58?" 2. "How can you contribute to making the world a more just place?"
**Numbers 26-27:** 1. "If you were to pass on a legacy or lesson to the next generation, what would it be?" 2. "Why do you think planning for the future is important in our relationship with God?"
Sunday Sep 10, 2023
Journey Through The Message 60 | The Spiritual Tug of War
Sunday Sep 10, 2023
Sunday Sep 10, 2023
Welcome back to Set Free 24-7! I'm Robert, and as we gear up for today's episode, "The Spiritual Tug of War," be prepared for some divine rope burns and revelations. We're not just playing games here; we're diving deep into the Word to find our balance amidst the push and pull of life.
In Matthew 24:15-35, we'll be decoding Jesus' prophecies, which, spoiler alert, might just have a thing or two to say about our modern world. Who said ancient texts can't be modern guides?
Romans 7:1-12 is the very heart of our episode's title. Prepare to understand the dance between law and sin, and see if grace might just be the referee we all need in this celestial tug of war.
Then, with Psalm 57, we get a front-row seat to David's heart. Think of it as tuning into the soulful radio station of "David's Top Shelter Hits" — heartwarming, honest, and evergreen.
Lastly, Numbers 23-25 brings us the tale of Balaam — a prophet who reminds us sometimes the universe has its own set of GPS directions for us, even if we try to reroute.
So, brace yourselves for an enlightening adventure through these passages, with a sprinkle of humor and a lot of soul-searching. As we dive in, remember: each scripture offers keys to unlock chains, setting our spirits free - now it’s your turn to live in that freedom! Thanks for joining us on this Journey Through The Message!
Matthew 24:15-35:
"If you could chat with Jesus about the future, what's the one thing you'd ask?"
"How can we stay hopeful and strong even when things around us seem confusing or scary?"
Romans 7:1-12:
"Have you ever felt caught in a 'tug of war' between doing right and wrong? How did you handle it?"
"Why do you think it's important to know the difference between rules and grace?"
Psalm 57:
"If you could write a song about your feelings today, what would the chorus be?"
"How can trust in God be like a safe and cozy shelter on a rainy day?"
Numbers 23-25:
"Have you ever felt like you got a surprising 'direction' or message, just like Balaam did?"
"Why is it important to listen when we feel like God or our heart is trying to guide us in a certain way?"
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Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Journey Through The Message 59 | Adventures with a Talking Donkey
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Welcome back to Set Free 24-7! I'm Robert, and thanks for joining us on another episode of Journey Through The Message. Today’s episode, is called 'Adventures with a Talking Donkey' and promises an exhilarating ride as we explore 4 passages - Matthew 24, Romans 6, Psalm 56, and Numbers 21-22.
In Matthew 24:1-14, Jesus unveils prophecy, warning us of the signs of the times and the enduring message of hope. Get ready for a glimpse into the future!
Romans 6:15-23 takes us deeper into the profound message of grace and freedom. It's like a refreshing stream of living water for your soul.
In Psalm 56, we find solace in the midst of adversity. David's poetic cries resonate with our own challenges, reminding us of trust's power.
Lastly, Numbers 21-22 presents us with tales of Israel's journey in the wilderness and a unique encounter with a talking donkey. It's an adventure you won't want to miss!
So, fasten your seatbelts as we journey through these passages, uncovering personal victories, struggles, and inspiring stories that set us free!
Matthew 24:1-14:
- What signs of the times do you see around you today?
- How can you find hope and share it with others amidst challenges?
Romans 6:15-23:
- What does 'freedom in Christ' mean to you, and how can you live it out?
- What's one way you can show gratitude for God's gift of grace?
Psalm 56:
- When faced with adversity, how can trust in God provide comfort?
- What's a personal challenge where you can apply the principles from this Psalm?
Numbers 21-22:
- If you could talk to a donkey, what's one question you'd ask?
- What can we learn about obedience from the Israelites' journey through the wilderness?
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Monday Aug 28, 2023
Journey Through The Message 58 | My Soul’s Cry | Set Free 24-7
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Welcome back to Set Free 24-7! I'm Robert, and it's a delight to have you join us once again on this Journey Through The Message. Today's episode is My Soul’s Cry and it is a powerful one as we explore where Jesus confronts hypocrisy, a journey into the freedom found in Christ, a poetic cry in times of distress, and a passage of divine authority and life-giving water.
In Matthew 23:25-39, Jesus doesn't hold back! He exposes hypocrisy and laments over Jerusalem. Get ready for a poignant message from the heart of Christ!
Romans 6:1-14 is a deep dive into the freedom we find in Christ. It's like a breath of fresh air for your soul. You won't want to miss this liberating passage!
Psalm 55 is a heartfelt cry in the midst of turmoil. Its poetic beauty and honest emotions will surely resonate with you.
And in Numbers 18-20, we encounter divine authority, life-giving water, and the journey of the Israelites in the wilderness. Let's uncover these profound stories of transformation and truth together!
So, fasten your seatbelts as we journey through these passages, discovering personal victories, struggles, and inspiring stories that set us free!
>>Something to think about<<
**Matthew 23:25-39:**
- How can we avoid the trap of religious hypocrisy and remain sincere in our faith?
- Reflecting on Jesus' lament over Jerusalem, what lessons can we draw about genuine repentance and God's longing for us?
**Romans 6:1-14:**
- What does it mean to be "dead to sin and alive to God" as discussed in Romans 6?
- How can we practically embrace the freedom found in Christ and live as instruments of righteousness?
**Psalm 55:**
- When you face turmoil or distress, how can you find solace in prayer, as seen in Psalm 55?
- What does it mean to trust God with our burdens and anxieties during challenging times?
**Numbers 18-20:**
- Reflecting on the events in Numbers 18-20, what can we learn about the consequences of disobedience and the importance of seeking God's guidance?
- How does the story of the Israelites in the wilderness, especially their thirst for water, remind us of our dependence on God's provision and guidance in our own lives?
Want to check out Chaplain Heidi's website? >> HTTP://
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